Hello there. I've updated my website again. On the school page you'll find I made a better system to browse trough the drawings and sketches, you can now hop from one picture to the other without going back to the school page. And if you do want to go back to the schoolpage, just click the beating-cat-head. Nifty, no? ;)
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I have updated the school and profile section. On the school section you can now find some of the paintings i did in the past. I'm not painting that much anymore, photoshop is so much easier. Although i prefer the old fasion way, it eats alot of time, space, paint and paper. And the control z button in photoshop is such a fast and easy way to start over and over again. Finishing a not so good work because your running out of paper is 'nt necessary anymore. You can just point and click and there it is, a brand new sheet. But one might wonder if that is a good thing. As a matter a fact, i still have to do a painting assignment for school, i'm working on that now, and it's driving me nuts. I m so used to working on a 800 by 600 pixel screen that my A2 paper is hard to fill. And I found out trowing paintbuckets at my work isnt helping to finish it any faster. But there has to be a way, if guys like Michealangelo and Rembrandt can do it, so can I! Hahaa! Strange to think that these artists are still known in this age, even though there work is so very old.
I wonder if the digital generation will leave there marks on this world for future men to know. Just in case, i think i'm gonna bury some of my sketchbooks in a tin box out in the yard.
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Next week school starts again, after a long rainy vacation. It was like nature skipped summer this year in Holland, and went straight to autumn. Well, for me it was a chance to stay inside and do allot of drawing in stead of having fun under the sun. I discovered i love heavy metal music, and right now that is a great inspiration. My work is always very much based on the music that i listen to. I think that go's for a lot of artists like me. A few years ago I decided to take this fact into practice. I made a comic on the Radiohead album Kid A. It was my final project on high school, and it was a great one. Because beforhand i knew that every page had to concern one song, in the order as it was done on the album. I interpeted the lirics and music, and translated them into images, and there you go. A comic. That s why i love bands like Radiohead, Daft Punk and ofcourse the Gorillaz. They are bands that take the visualistation of there music just a serious as there music. Its a new way of presenting music, for the visualisation doesnt have to be an expensive videoclip any more, nor a movie or an album cover. Images are combined with music on an other level. But im wondering off, as i said, iI made that comic a few years ago, and after that i did a few short ones, but i never got to making a 'Real' comic. Because i could'nt come up with a storyline. Right now, ive gotten to a level where i'd say, f*ck the story, but ofcourse im not going to do that. I'll just start with the comic, and we'll see from there.
"The frog in the well does not know the ocean, but he knows the sky is the limit"
-japanese expression
I keep you posted.
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